Mar 1, 2024
Mar. 21 Webinar: Essential Skills for Successful Careers in Healthcare

Register to attend this free Mosaic Center webinar exploring the importance of professionalism in the healthcare industry — Thursday, March 21 at 12 pm.

No matter your job or where you work, professional attitudes and behaviors are expected and often tied directly to career success. In competitive fields like healthcare, a high degree of professionalism can help pave the way for new opportunities, while unprofessional attitudes and behaviors can create barriers to advancement and growth. And whether you're working in a clinical role, customer service, or even somewhere behind the scenes, those same attitudes and behaviors impact the experiences and impressions of coworkers, patients, and guests each day — for better or worse.
Join the Mosaic Center team for this free webinar exploring why professionalism is especially important in healthcare settings and how to show it each day by paying attention to the way you carry yourself, your attitude, and the ways you communicate with others.